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Disabled people how did impossible job don

  do you know what some of the world's most talented and inspiring people have in common   disabilities but just because someone has a physical or mental disability doesn't mean   they can't achieve incredible things and believe me when i say that the people in today's video   will blow you away with their talents and their drive to show the world that no matter what cards   you're dealt with in life you can still achieve so much and go about it all with an amazing sense   of optimism as a retreat for this is a huge experience right around from a blind musician   to a deaf academy award-winning actress to a skateboarding athlete who is 

 do you know what some of the world's most talented and inspiring people have in common   disabilities but just because someone has a physical or mental disability doesn't mean   they can't achieve incredible things and believe me when i say that the people in today's video   will blow you away with their talents and their drive to show the world that no matter what cards   you're dealt with in life you can still achieve so much and go about it all with an amazing sense   of optimism as a retreat for this is a huge experience right around from a blind musician   to a deaf academy award-winning actress to a skateboarding athlete who is bound to a   wheelchair these people will make you think twice the next time you complain about a headache or how   you're not as good at golf as your buddy is make sure you stay tuned for number one because that   woman is a real hero you don't want to miss her get comfortable and get ready for disabled people   who did amazing things like and subscribe right now or you're gonna have bad luck for the next   week don't risk it let's start zion clark zion clark is an incredible young guy at   22 years old he's determined to leave his mark on the world despite having no legs he was born   this way suffering from a rare disorder that impaired the development of his lower spine   only one in every hundred thousand children are born with this condition each year and due to   this unfortunate disability zion ended up living in foster care until he was 16 but his whole   life turned around for the better when he was fostered by his now mom kimberly who has given   him the support he's needed to achieve his dream of becoming a wrestler he is now a very talented   and keen sportsman and is hoping to become one of the best talented freestyle wrestlers in the   world he started wrestling in second grade even though he didn't really know what he was doing   and adapted it to work to suit him now he trains twice a day six days a week and that is commitment   out of like i practiced two months in the sport and one two state titles look out world   there's a new wrestler on the block this kid is going places frida kahlo did you even know   that frida kahlo had a disability a world famous painter from mexico she lived from 1907 to 1954   and was known for her portraits especially her self-portraits her work was hugely inspired by   nature in mexico and had a surrealist touch to it unfortunately not only did she suffer from   polio as a child which left her with problems in her right leg and foot she was also in a bus   accident in 1925 which left her unable to walk for three months however it was during this time that   she seriously took up painting she would paint from her bed using a specially made easel and   with a mirror she would often paint herself and explore the deeper questions of life surrounding   identity and existence tell us frida what is the meaning of life after this accident she   had a major spine problem which caused her great pain throughout her life but there's no denying   that we will never forget her beautiful art john nash john nash was an american mathematician who   lived from 1928 to 2015. he most definitely left his mark on the world with his contributions to   game theory differential geometry and the study of partial differential equations oh man i should   have listened more back in math class luckily there are people like nash who dedicated his   life to providing us with insight into chants and decision-making systems that are found in   everyday life however in 1959 he started showing signs of suffering from a mental illness that was   treated for paranoid schizophrenia fortunately his condition later improved and he was able to get   back to academic work he may sound familiar and that's probably because you read sylvia naser's   biography a beautiful mind or seen the movie with the same name starring russell crowe as nash   if you haven't seen it what are you waiting for nash's mind was incredible and even today   his theories are used in economics nick voyage nick boijic is an australian-american christian   evangelist and motivational speaker and this is not the only thing that makes him inspiring he   has a rare disorder where he was born without arms and legs but this is what has made him   the amazing person that he is today he's overcome every obstacle life is thrown at him and believes   that he can do whatever he puts his mind to and the best part is that he has this belief in other   people too look at me and you want the confidence that i have in 2005 he founded life without limbs   which is an international non-profit and ministry and then in 2007 he founded attitude is altitude   a secular motivational speaking company from golf to swimming to inspiring others is there   anything this guy can't do despite his disorder he is probably enjoying his life more than most   and his attitude is everything he can even laugh at himself we can all learn a thing or two from   nick i think andrea bocelli where do i even begin with andrea bocelli an italian opera singer   songwriter tenor and record producer oh and he's blind too at just five months old he was diagnosed   with congenital glaucoma and by the age of 12 he went completely blind after a football accident   however that hasn't stopped him from achieving success he rose to fame in 1994 when he won   the preliminary round of the 44th san remo music festival and ever since that he's been on a roll   winning multiple prestigious awards who could forget time to say goodbye which he won the echo   music award for in 1997. that's a real classic and really highlights how epic his voice is he really does have one of the most amazing voices in the world don't you think   michael j fox michael j fox is a canadian american actor comedian author film producer and activist   he's probably best known for starring in the back to the future trilogy where he played   marty mcfly but sadly in 1991 at the age of 29 he was diagnosed with parkinson's disease   that hasn't stopped him though not only has he won multiple awards for his work in the film world   he's also become an advocate for researching a cure for parkinson's founding the michael j   fox foundation he's pretty amazing and in 2012 he received an honorary degree of doctor of laws   from the justice institute of british columbia this is tremors and stiffness too much medicine   produces uncontrollable movement and slurring who recognized and wanted to honor his accomplishments   in both performing and his drive and commitment to raising funding and awareness for parkinson's wow   he is truly a remarkable guy and hasn't let this disease stop him from doing it at all alex zenardi   alex zanardi is an italian professional racing driver and paracyclist who first developed an itch   for racing when he was just a teen in 1997 and 1998 he won the kart championship and even raced   in formula one from 1991 to 94. see that's a flash you know me driving on the mother way and then   again in 1999 however in 2001 he had a major crash at the american memorial in germany which resulted   in the amputation of his legs who'd have thought that something so tragic could happen to him   during that race and yet he took it in his stride and went on to become one of the most inspiring   athletes out there he's now a very successful paralympic athlete having won two gold medals   at the 2012 london paralympics and two more gold medals at the 2016 rio paralympics wow however we   wish him all the best as he recently had another devastating crash fingers crossed everything is   okay aaron bothering him aaron wheels fatheringham who was born in 1991 is an extreme wheelchair   athlete who performs the most insane tricks adapted from skateboarding and bmx gonna have   to do some repairs on that but we're here we're alive we're good suffering from spina bifida he   lost the ability to use his legs but let me tell you that has not stopped him from embracing life   tenfold check this kid out he uses a customized wheelchair designed by box wheelchairs that has   four wheeled suspension so that he can perform all the same kinds of tricks and moves that   skateboarders and bmxers can do i mean talk about not letting your disability hold you back aaron   has even performed a backflip on the nitro circus live tour on a 50 foot mega ramp and why not right   he's shown the world how fun life can be even if you're bound to a wheelchair go aaron stephen   hawking stephen hawking will forever be known as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists   in the history of the world he lived from 1942 until 2018 and his work on the origins and   structure of the universe the big bang and black holes have absolutely revolutionized the field of   physics sadly just before his 21st birthday back in 1963 he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease   which is also known as lou gehrig's disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis doctors predicted   that he would die within two years of diagnosis but hawking soon proved them wrong i don't know   if this bed was ever settled and if so which way it was decided not only did he go on to obtain his   phd but he also paved the road to finding new ways in thinking about the universe over the next few   decades he eventually ended up in a wheelchair and in 1985 talking became a struggle so he had   an emergency tracheotomy which resulted in total loss of speech but thank goodness for technology   because cambridge constructed a speech generating device that allowed hawking to still be able to   communicate in an electronic voice that i'm sure you're all familiar with his legacy will live on   that's for sure what a guy ralph braun as a young boy ralph was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy in   1947. back then doctors told him and his parents that he'd never be independent but they were all   determined to prove the doctors wrong but would i trade it for anything absolutely not as he   began to lose the ability to walk he got to work creating and engineering the first battery-powered   scooter and from there he was unstoppable he went on to design the world's first wheelchair   lift which he installed in an old jeep what ralph lacked in physical mobility he sure made up for   in his determination to prove to the world that people with physical disabilities can not only   participate fully in an active life they can also flourish and achieve whatever they set their mind   to he even started brawnability which is a leading manufacturer of mobility products all across the   globe sadly he passed away in 2013 at the age of 72 but just look at everything he achieved and   pioneered for people who might undergo the same challenges he did bravo john hockenberry john   hawkenberry is an american journalist and author that was left with paraplegia from the chest down   after a car accident when he was just 19 years old where he sustained a major spinal cord injury   so we need to know precisely where we are he's an amazing guy and as well as having reported from   all over the world on a wide variety of stories he's also a prominent figure in the disability   rights movement you may have seen his ted talks on we're all designers or the power of story   in dark times truly he's an inspiration and has even written a best-selling memoir called moving   violations war zones wheelchairs and declarations of independence as well as a novel and numerous   other pieces doesn't it just go to show that even the most tragic incident can result in something   brilliant marley matlin born in 1965 in illinois marlee matlin is a major inspiration despite being   legally deaf after losing her hearing at a young age she still went on to pursue an acting career   and oh boy oh boy did she do well i definitely want to thank the academy and its members she won   an academy award in 1987 at the age of 21 for her role in children of a lesser god where she played   sarah a young deaf woman who becomes romantically involved with a teacher at the school for the deaf   she was the youngest actress to ever win an academy award in that category and to this   date she's the only deaf performer to have won an academy award too wow and from there she just kept   climbing the ladder of success one thing about her that's very interesting is that she refused   to learn how to lip read and talk choosing instead to communicate solely through sign language she   is truly a brilliant advocate for the rights of deaf people and will only accept a role if   the producers agree to caption the film good on her stella young steli young was an australian   comedian journalist and disability rights activist she was born in 1982 with osteogenesis imperfecta   and used a wheelchair for pretty much her whole life what was so amazing about stella was her   ability to speak so openly about how just because you have a disability doesn't mean you're just   an object of inspiration or that being disabled makes you exceptional one of the series that he   made which was quite ridiculing of short stretch of people she said it like it was and was really   at the forefront of making sure people knew that being disabled was not a bad thing or that being   disabled made her particularly brave her goal was to deconstruct the way that society perceived   disabled people and she most certainly did that not only was she an activist she also knew how   to make people laugh and there's not much better than that her raw honesty and passion will live on   can we just take a moment to appreciate how absolutely awesome these people are which   of them do you think is the most amazing personally i just can't choose i'm blown   away by all of them let us know your fave in the comments and don't forget to like and subscribe 

bound to a   wheelchair these people will make you think twice the next time you complain about a headache or how   you're not as good at golf as your buddy is make sure you stay tuned for number one because that   woman is a real hero you don't want to miss her get comfortable and get ready for disabled people   who did amazing things like and subscribe right now or you're gonna have bad luck for the next   week don't risk it let's start zion clark zion clark is an incredible young guy at   22 years old he's determined to leave his mark on the world despite having no legs he was born   this way suffering from a rare disorder that impaired the development of his lower spine   only one in every hundred thousand children are born with this condition each year and due to   this unfortunate disability zion ended up living in foster care until he was 16 but his whole   life turned around for the better when he was fostered by his now mom kimberly who has given   him the support he's needed to achieve his dream of becoming a wrestler he is now a very talented   and keen sportsman and is hoping to become one of the best talented freestyle wrestlers in the   world he started wrestling in second grade even though he didn't really know what he was doing   and adapted it to work to suit him now he trains twice a day six days a week and that is commitment   out of like i practiced two months in the sport and one two state titles look out world   there's a new wrestler on the block this kid is going places frida kahlo did you even know   that frida kahlo had a disability a world famous painter from mexico she lived from 1907 to 1954   and was known for her portraits especially her self-portraits her work was hugely inspired by   nature in mexico and had a surrealist touch to it unfortunately not only did she suffer from   polio as a child which left her with problems in her right leg and foot she was also in a bus   accident in 1925 which left her unable to walk for three months however it was during this time that   she seriously took up painting she would paint from her bed using a specially made easel and   with a mirror she would often paint herself and explore the deeper questions of life surrounding   identity and existence tell us frida what is the meaning of life after this accident she   had a major spine problem which caused her great pain throughout her life but there's no denying   that we will never forget her beautiful art john nash john nash was an american mathematician who   lived from 1928 to 2015. he most definitely left his mark on the world with his contributions to   game theory differential geometry and the study of partial differential equations oh man i should   have listened more back in math class luckily there are people like nash who dedicated his   life to providing us with insight into chants and decision-making systems that are found in 

  everyday life however in 1959 he started showing signs of suffering from a mental illness that was   treated for paranoid schizophrenia fortunately his condition later improved and he was able to get   back to academic work he may sound familiar and that's probably because you read sylvia naser's   biography a beautiful mind or seen the movie with the same name starring russell crowe as nash   if you haven't seen it what are you waiting for nash's mind was incredible and even today   his theories are used in economics nick voyage nick boijic is an australian-

american christian   evangelist and motivational speaker and this is not the only thing that makes him inspiring he   has a rare disorder where he was born without arms and legs but this is what has made him   the amazing person that he is today he's overcome every obstacle life is thrown at him and believes   that he can do whatever he puts his mind to and the best part is that he has this belief in other   people too look at me and you want the confidence that i have in 2005 he founded life without limbs   which is an international non-profit and ministry and then in 2007 he founded attitude is altitude   a secular motivational speaking company from golf to swimming to inspiring others is there   anything this guy can't do despite his disorder he is probably enjoying his life more than most   and his attitude is everything he can even laugh at himself we can all learn a thing or two from   nick i think andrea bocelli where do i even begin with andrea bocelli an italian opera singer   songwriter tenor and record producer oh and he's blind too at just five months old he was 

diagnosed   with congenital glaucoma and by the age of 12 he went completely blind after a football accident   however that hasn't stopped him from achieving success he rose to fame in 1994 when he won   the preliminary round of the 44th san remo music festival and ever since that he's been on a roll   winning multiple prestigious awards who could forget time to say goodbye which he won the echo   music award for in 1997. that's a real classic and really highlights how epic his voice is he really does have one of the most amazing voices in the world don't you think   michael j fox michael j fox is a canadian american actor comedian author film producer and activist   he's probably best known for starring in the back to the future trilogy where he played   marty mcfly but sadly in 1991 at the age of 29 he was diagnosed with parkinson's disease   that hasn't stopped him though not only has he won multiple awards for his work in the film world   he's also become an advocate for researching a cure for parkinson's founding the michael j   fox foundation he's pretty amazing and in 2012 he received an honorary degree of doctor of laws   from the justice institute of british columbia this is tremors and stiffness too much medicine   produces uncontrollable movement and slurring who recognized and wanted to honor his accomplishments   in both performing and his drive and commitment to raising funding and awareness for parkinson's wow   he is truly a remarkable guy and hasn't let this disease stop him from doing it at all alex zenardi   alex zanardi is an italian professional racing driver and 

paracyclist who first developed an itch   for racing when he was just a teen in 1997 and 1998 he won the kart championship and even raced   in formula one from 1991 to 94. see that's a flash you know me driving on the mother way and then   again in 1999 however in 2001 he had a major crash at the american memorial in germany which resulted   in the amputation of his legs who'd have thought that something so tragic could happen to him   during that race and yet he took it in his stride and went on to become one of the most inspiring   athletes out there he's now a very successful paralympic athlete having won two gold medals   at the 2012 london paralympics and two more gold medals at the 2016 rio 

paralympics wow however we   wish him all the best as he recently had another devastating crash fingers crossed everything is   okay aaron bothering him aaron wheels fatheringham who was born in 1991 is an extreme wheelchair   athlete who performs the most insane tricks adapted from skateboarding and bmx gonna have   to do some repairs on that but we're here we're alive we're good suffering from spina bifida he   lost the ability to use his legs but let me tell you that has not stopped him from embracing life   tenfold check this kid out he uses a customized wheelchair designed by box wheelchairs that has   four wheeled suspension so that he can perform all the same kinds of tricks and moves that   skateboarders and bmxers can do i mean talk about not letting your disability hold you back aaron   has even performed a backflip on the nitro circus live tour on a 50 foot mega ramp and why not right   he's shown the world how fun life can be even if you're bound to a wheelchair go aaron stephen   hawking stephen hawking will forever be known as one of the most brilliant theoretical 

physicists   in the history of the world he lived from 1942 until 2018 and his work on the origins and   structure of the universe the big bang and black holes have absolutely revolutionized the field of   physics sadly just before his 21st birthday back in 1963 he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease   which is also known as lou gehrig's disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis doctors predicted   that he would die within two years of diagnosis but hawking soon proved them wrong i don't know   if this bed was ever settled and if so which way it was decided not only did he go on to obtain his   phd but he also paved the road to finding new ways in thinking about the universe over the next few   decades he eventually ended up in a wheelchair and in 1985 talking became a struggle so he had   an emergency tracheotomy which resulted in total loss of speech but thank goodness for technology   because cambridge constructed a speech generating device that allowed hawking to still be able to   communicate in an electronic voice that i'm sure you're all familiar with his legacy will live on   that's for sure what a guy ralph braun as a young boy ralph was diagnosed with muscular 

dystrophy in   1947. back then doctors told him and his parents that he'd never be independent but they were all   determined to prove the doctors wrong but would i trade it for anything absolutely not as he   began to lose the ability to walk he got to work creating and engineering the first battery-powered   scooter and from there he was unstoppable he went on to design the world's first wheelchair   lift which he installed in an old jeep what ralph lacked in physical mobility he sure made up for   in his determination to prove to the world that people with physical disabilities can not only   participate fully in an active life they can also flourish and achieve whatever they set their mind   to he even started brawnability which is a leading manufacturer of mobility products all across the   globe sadly he passed away in 2013 at the age of 72 but just look at everything he achieved and   pioneered for people who might undergo the same challenges he did bravo john hockenberry john   hawkenberry is an american journalist and author that was left with paraplegia from the chest down   after a car accident when he was just 19 years old where he sustained a major spinal cord injury   so we need to know precisely where we are he's an amazing guy and as well as having reported from   all over the world on a wide variety of stories he's also a prominent figure in the 

disability   rights movement you may have seen his ted talks on we're all designers or the power of story   in dark times truly he's an inspiration and has even written a best-selling memoir called moving   violations war zones wheelchairs and declarations of independence as well as a novel and numerous   other pieces doesn't it just go to show that even the most tragic incident can result in something   brilliant marley matlin born in 1965 in illinois marlee matlin is a major inspiration despite being   legally deaf after losing her hearing at a young age she still went on to pursue an acting career   and oh boy oh boy did she do well i definitely want to thank the academy and its members she won   an academy award in 1987 at the age of 21 for her role in children of a lesser god where she played   sarah a young deaf woman who becomes romantically involved with a teacher at the school for the deaf   she was the youngest 

actress to ever win an academy award in that category and to this   date she's the only deaf performer to have won an academy award too wow and from there she just kept   climbing the ladder of success one thing about her that's very interesting is that she refused   to learn how to lip read and talk choosing instead to communicate solely through sign language she   is truly a brilliant advocate for the rights of deaf people and will only accept a role if   the producers agree to caption th

e film good on her stella young steli young was an australian   comedian journalist and disability rights activist she was born in 1982 with osteogenesis imperfecta   and used a wheelchair for pretty much her whole life what was so amazing about stella was her   ability to speak so openly about how just because you have a disability doesn't mean you're just   an object of inspiration or that being disabled makes you exceptional one of the series that he   made which was quite ridiculing of short stretch of people she said it like it was and was really   at the forefront of making sure people knew that being disabled was not a bad thing or that being   disabled made her particularly brave her goal was to deconstruct the way that society perceived   disabled people and she most certainly did that not only was she an activist she also knew how   to make people laugh and there's not much better than that her raw honesty and passion will live on   can we just take a moment to 

appreciate how absolutely awesome these people are which   of them do you think is the most amazing personally i just can't choose i'm blown   away by all of them let us know your fave in the comments and don't forget to like and subscribe 


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